The long road to recovery
Before you know it the people of Ukraine will be celebrating a sombre anniversary. February 2025 marks the 3rd anniversary of the full-scale invasion and the 11th year of war with Russia. Over a third of the population is displaced within Ukraine or other countries. Entire communities are destroyed, the power grid is in ruins, much of the agricultural land is contaminated with mines and unexploded munitions, and the rivers are poisoned. The World Bank estimates the cost to rebuild Ukraine at over $480 billion but the final number will likely be much higher.
Ukraine’s recovery will take decades and the longer rebuilding is delayed, the tougher it’ll be for its people to recover. Refugees and the displaced who wait years for their homes and apartments to be rebuilt, may never return, and farmers who can’t safely till their land will stop farming.
Help Wanted
The Peace Coalition has been actively working to help Ukraine recover quickly, and it’s time to share one of our projects with you and request your help.
The Peace Coalition (TPC) is an international non-profit federation of academics, corporations, NGOs and universities focused on promoting peace by combining research, policy guidance and on-the-ground support for compensation, restitution and rebuilding for victims of displacement due to war and climate change. TPC has been working in Ukraine for over two years developing the methodology and connections necessary to help build capacity at the local level to start the recovery process.
This week TPC is announcing a six-month pilot project with oversight by our colleagues at the Victoria Forum. Building from the plenary discussion Innovative Finance for Regenerative Reconstruction after Conflict at Victoria Forum 2024, we are launching a working group focused on developing a comprehensive roadmap to build capacity on the ground in Ukraine and combine it with innovative private capital financing mechanisms. This will result in a ‘build-back-better’ early-recovery structure for the efficient reconstruction of Ukraine aligned with applicable international law and United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
We call it the ReNew and ReBuild Ukraine Working Group – Developing a Self-Funding, Sustainable Roadmap for Ukraine’s Reconstruction (RnR).
You can view and download a copy of the RnR proposal HERE
Get to work!
The working group is comprised of over 20 partners employing over 100 people in Ukraine and internationally. We're working with local & international experts and donors to pilot a housing, land and property (HLP) mass claims restitution process in the Hostomel hromada (region), supported by local community engagement and modern urban master planning.
By choosing locally led solutions that are grounded in complex systems-informed governance, the reconstruction process can empower local actors to take charge of rebuilding their communities. International networks of leading researchers, supported by innovative financial vehicles, can help ensure that the reconstruction is transparent, accountable, and aligned with global sustainability goals.
Early investment in building local capacity and infrastructure will not only set Ukraine on a path toward resilience and recovery, but also demonstrate a global model for future post-conflict reconstruction.
Rebuild and Recover
Ukraine’s rebuilding also offers a chance to create new, responsive community-based institutions and update legal frameworks. Applying transparent, outcomes-based approaches to financing will be critical in reforming the construction sector and achieving ‘build-back-better’ objectives. By embedding this work in global SDG commitments and aligning with international law, Ukraine’s post-war transition can progress more rapidly and position the country for future integration into the European Union and NATO.
The Peace Coalition is developing and piloting a transparent and sustainable roadmap for Ukraine’s recovery that can be used to help many other displaced populations return home, rebuild and recover. Our sustainable roadmap will take six months to develop and require an investment of $2.5 million.
On behalf of 100+ members of The Peace Coalition we are asking for your help in spreading the word about our plans with donors, governments and investors who are willing to help shape the future of post-conflict recovery.
Show us the money, please
If you are a donor, government or investor we humbly ask for your consideration of our proposal.
If you are a friend or supporter of The Peace Coalition and simply want to help prevent future aggression, please share our proposal with your network.
The recovery of Ukraine will not be quick, easy or cheap, but the sooner it starts, the sooner Ukrainians can return home and begin to heal. The least we can do as supporters against illegal and immoral Russian aggression is help Ukrainians recover.
Slava Ukraini! Heroaim Slava!