Shaun Butta

Shaun Butta

Shaun Butta is a leading Housing, Land and Property (HLP) expert with extensive experience in resolving HLP issues in conflict-induced displacement settings. Over the past 15 years he has advised the United Nations Development Programme and the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees  and other leading displacement organisations such as Displacement Solutions and the Norwegian Refugee Council across the Horn of Africa, the Middle East and Southeast Asia.

Shaun holds a Juris Doctor Degree from the University of New England, where his research focused on the application of international restitution law in areas of customary land management. He holds a Graduate Diploma of Legal Practice from the NSW College of Law and is qualified to practice law in Australia. He also holds a Masters Degree in International Relations from the University of Queensland and a Bachelor of Arts (Philosophy) from the University of Newcastle.

Shaun’s work focuses on the intersection between international restitution law and principle, domestic legal systems and the search for HLP justice for  refugees and IDPs in countries affected by conflict. He has advised the UNHCR and UNDP on a broad range of HLP topics including; Somali returns to Kenya, Durable Solutions to displacement across Myanmar, and access to housing and land rights for Syrians in Kurdistan. He has a particular interest in policy gaps around HLP and local integration for refugees and IDPs, as well as access to justice and legal aid in the promotion of HLP restitution and compensation.

Research and Publications

Obstacles to Housing Land and Property Rights in Northern Mon: A Field Based Assessment of Formal and Informal Procedures and Practices, Displacement Solutions

A Housing, Land and Property (HLP) Rights-based Analysis of Customary Land Dispute Resolution in Kayin State, Eastern Bago Region and Shan State, Displacement Solutions

Improving Access to Justice Through Community Based Dispute Resolution (CBDR) for Housing Land and Property Disputes in Myanmar, Displacement Solutions

Establishing a Myanmar National Climate Land Bank, Displacement Solutions – Displacement Solutions and EcoDev