Dr. José María Arraiza
José María Arraiza
(Madrid, 1973) has spent the last two decades working in peace–
building and protection both as a field practitioner and as a researcher. He participated in
the early days of the UN administration of Kosovo (Mitrovica, 1999-2000), the organization
of elections during the transition process in East Timor (Bobonaro, 2001), the human rights
monitoring activities of the OSCE Mission in Kosovo (2002–2008) –with a focus on Housing,
Land and Property restitution– and later the diplomatic work of the Hague-based OSCE High
Commissioner on National Minorities (OSCE HCNM) in Central, Eastern and Southeastern
Europe (The Hague, 2010–2012).
Between 2015 and 2019, he led the Information, Counseling and Legal Assistance (ICLA)
programme of the Norwegian Refugee Council in Myanmar. This included facilitating access
to civil documents through mobile teams in Southeast Myanmar (which provided more than
half a million ID cards to vulnerable persons between 2012 and 2019) as well as information
and counseling on legal identity and Housing, Land and Property rights (HLP) for conflict-
affected communities. Academically, he holds a European Masters’ Degree on Human Rights
and Democratisation (E.MA), an L.L.M. on Peace Support Operations (NUI Galway) and a
PhD in public law (Åbo Akademi University, Turku). He has been deployed in the last four
years as Senior ProCap Adviser to Sudan, Ethiopia and Mozambique.