swisspeace is a practice and research institute dedicated to advancing effective peacebuilding.
Partnerships with local and international actors are at the core of our work. We analyze the causes of violent conflicts and develop strategies for their peaceful transformation. swisspeace contributes to conflict prevention and transformation by producing innovative research, shaping discourses on international peace policy, developing, and applying new peacebuilding tools and methodologies, supporting and advising other peace actors, as well as by providing and facilitating spaces for analysis, discussion, critical reflection, and learning.
swisspeace is an associated institute of the University of Basel and member of the Swiss Academy of Humanities and Social Sciences. Our most important partners and clients are the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs, the State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation, international organizations, think tanks and NGOs.
Digital Peacebuilding
In line with the increasing digital needs of the peacebuilding sector, digital peacebuilding is a thematic priority for swisspeace. As part of this, we use digital tools and platforms to inform and convene communities on peacebuilding topics and methodologies. swisspeace works to better understand both the positive and negative impacts of digital technologies. We leverage technology to support peacebuilding best practices, participatory methodologies, and digital technologies to address emerging challenges in peacebuilding.
Dealing with the Past
swisspeace’s Dealing with the Past (DwP) team supports governmental and non-governmental actors working to address the legacy of massive human rights violations and breaches of international humanitarian law having occurred in contexts of colonialism, armed conflict, and authoritarian regimes and to prevent their reoccurrence. We also support actors that are preparing for future Dealing with the Past processes.
Gender and peacebuilding
swisspeace treats gender not just as a topic but as an analytical tool that allows discerning power relations throughout the cycle of crisis and conflict and how they affect people based on their gender.
In our work, we consider the different gendered roles, the hierarchies established between them, and their implications for conflict prevention and transformation.