Game Changers: How much could a credential breach cost your company? with special guest, Scott Chu, UBC Masters Student

Game Changers: How much could a credential breach cost your company? with special guest, Scott Chu, UBC Masters Student

  • The Decentralists
  • Dec 2nd, 2021

Great ideas can be Game Changers and we talk to the people who made them great!

On this episode of The Decentralists we speak with Scott Chu, a 2nd year Masters student in Management Information Systems at the Sauder School of Business at the University of British Columbia. 

Scott’s research interests are focused on investigating how organizations can harness advances in technology to realize certain business benefits. His research as an intern with Manyone this past summer, involved comparing annual financial performance measures between firms that experienced different types of data breaches, to highlight problems that blockchain technology could solve. How much could a credential-based data breach cost your company? and how decentralized, user-centric identity and access could reduce your risk?

Scott’s final research report, Evaluating the Financial Impact of Data Breaches Involving Account Credentials, is available for viewing from the Peer Social and Manyone websites under a new content category we call  Game Changers.

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