A $500 Billion Solution to Ukraine's Woes—And Russia Pays for It | Opinion

A $500 Billion Solution to Ukraine's Woes—And Russia Pays for It | Opinion

  • Newsweek
  • Jan 18th, 2024

On the morning of Jan. 2, as the world began the first working day of 2024, Russia hit Ukrainian cities with missiles and drones. The world saw reports on the number of launches, along with photos and video of the damage caused. This news was unlikely to tear people in Europe and the United States away from their coffee or plans for the day. After all, the war is somewhere far away and the violence has become background noise for those who aren't living it.

Like all residents of Kyiv, I heard the air-raid sirens and a message from our Air Force about Russian bombers approaching the front lines. The missiles would fly very quickly from there, giving us only a few minutes to hide. I didn't have even that time.

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